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Emotional Intelligence And Manifesting

In a world where manifesting seems to be all about feeling good, being positive all the time, having the perfect mindset and daily practices that you keep repeating on loop in an attempt to call in your desires, I’m inviting you into a different possibility.

One where you get to cultivate a deep trust in YOUR unique process of manifestation.

One where you get to master the emotional intelligence to HONOUR what you’re feeling in the moment without getting trapped in the downward spiral that often de-rails people from actualising what they truly desire.

I’d like to see a world where more people harness the POWER of the whole emotional scale that a human will experience in their lifetime.

The good, the bad, the ugly and those sneaky unexpected emotions that live deep within which surface when life throws a spanner in the works of your best-laid plans!

When there is deep, powerful trust in your own relationship with processing your emotions, you can move through your challenges and blocks at the speed of light to arrive on the other side, where your breakthroughs live.

Are you ready to crack the code to elevate your manifesting practice by knowing exactly how to manage your emotions so you’re not triggered by them or impacted by the emotions of the people around you?

If yes, you’re in the right place.

Click here to purchase at the early-bird pricing of £222 which is available only until the 22nd December 2021.

I can’t tell you how many times I talk to conscious creators who are trying to manifest their desires who find it difficult to navigate through the emotional turmoil that everyday interactions that life can throw up, which can set you into a tailspin that derails them from the momentum they have already built through their manifesting practice.

They often tell me, “I do so much inner work and get to a really good space, then BAM, something happens and I’m back in the same space, doing MORE healing, mindset work and all the manifesting tools at my disposal but nothing is working!”.

That usually brings up thoughts like:

Is this even for me?  Maybe I should set my sights a little lower.

When will it be MY time?

How much longer do I need to wait for my desires to show up?

Can you relate?

If yes, you’re going to LOVE the Emotional Intelligence and Manifesting Immersive.

In this powerful 2-week container, I will be guiding you to go from being someone who’s an emotional mess that gets triggered into a tailspin of self-doubt and unworthiness to an emotionally savvy conscious creator that harnesses the magic that lives within ALL your emotions so you can leverage them to actualise your desires.

Even if nothing you’ve tried so far has worked consistently to manifest your desires.

Or if you haven’t a clue how to do this for yourself.

Whether you’re a seasoned conscious creator or just starting out.

This programme is designed to meet you exactly where you are right now in your journey.

Click here to purchase at the early-bird pricing of £222 which is available only until the 31st December 2021.

Here are the tools and trainings I’m most excited about sharing in this programme:

  • Energetic Emotional Hygiene - how to emotionally self-regulate with tools and practices you can use in REAL time and in REAL life situations to clean up your energetic field and set up a powerful foundation from which to manifest

  • Identifying Your Core Emotional Wounds - how to move through the contractive emotional triggers that create the energetic charge so you can break the holding pattern that keeps you stuck and re-living the experience over and over again

  • Using Your Intuitive Intelligence - how to identify an emotional trauma response versus emotional, intuitive intelligence so you can make more aligned choices and deepen your trust in your own intuition

  • Manifest from Overflow - how to manifest from a place of joy, overflow, remembrance of your unique brand of magic to manifest IN and ON purpose

These are bite-size trainings that you can work through in your own time and at your own pace to support you through your journey of transformation and manifestation.

Investment And Logistics

*** If you register before the 31st of December 2021, you can grab this at the pre-sale price of just £222 (payment plan available) ***

Click here to purchase at the early-bird pricing of £222 which is available only until the 22nd December 2021.

This offering is priced at £333, with a payment plan available.

As soon as you pay, you will be sent a confirmation and details on what to do next.

You’ll have lifetime access to the training so you can view it over and over again to refine your process as you develop your Emotional Intelligence and use it to anchor in your unique manifesting style and rhythm.

Click here to purchase at the early-bird pricing of £222 which is available only until the 31st December 2021.

Think about your last emotional outburst… maybe it was with a loved one or with someone you that seems to trigger you every time you’re in their presence.

How did you handle yourself?  

Were you able to express what you REALLY wanted to say, or did you feel like either closing up and shutting down or reacting and saying or doing things that actually flared up the situation?

Now think about how that might be impacting the energy you have available to manifest with.

Does it FEEL positive, happy, joyful, inspiring and FUN?

Or something else?

Whatever emotional state you manifest from will dictate the quality of your manifestations and the energetic charge that informs your personal manifesting rhythm and style.

You get to honour what you’re FEELING in the moment without it blocking you from manifesting what you truly desire just because you aren’t vibing high.

You don’t have to be the perfect human, fully healed and have an iron-clad abundance or success mindset to be able to actualise your bigger vision.

You’re a HUMAN and you will inevitably have experiences in your life that might make you feel off, triggered or down.

You may experience times where you get jealous, petty, judgy or lash out at your loved ones.

AND you may have experiences where others do the same with you and trigger you.

What I’m inviting you to do is to commit to yourself and to your desires!

Honour the emotional rollercoasters WITHOUT it affecting your ability to manifest.

To learn how to live with the full spectrum of emotions and harmonise the emotional charge that has you REACTING or compromising your own commitment, trust and unique gifts that will enhance your ability to manifest anything you desire in life.

This is true embodiment, which is essential for you to HOLD the energy to manifest your desires successfully.

It’s what creates the internal transformation that may be subtle to begin with.

You may not always be able to SEE but is something you will FEEL and EXPERIENCE.And that is the real shift that’s required to elevate your manifesting process to its highest expression.

Where it becomes light, joyful, fun and leaves you feeling energised and uplifted.

When you get to that space, you’ll notice how you effortlessly start to attract the right support, resources, people and money that support you in creating YOUR big vision.

Because your energy speaks so powerfully and you have diamond-sharp clarity in being fully expressed as YOURSELF.

This is when the CORRECT people, experiences, support, resources and finances resonate so deeply with the energy you radiate that it’s easy for them to find YOU, rather than YOU chasing after them!

This is what the Emotional Intelligence and Manifesting Immersive is designed for.

This entire process is what will activate for you in this container.

Because I know how important this process is to create consistency and sustainability in your manifesting process.

It’s what I wish I knew before I wasted so much time, energy and effort doing all the things and not understanding how to cultivate the emotional intelligence to support me with my own manifesting process and style.

You can skip all of that and learn how to do it now!

4 Modules

Cultivating Healthy Energetic Emotional Hygiene

How to emotionally self-regulate with tools and practices you can use in REAL time and in REAL life situations to clean up your energetic field and set up a powerful foundation from which to manifest

Recognising and Soothing Your Core Emotional Wounds

How to move through the contractive emotional triggers that create the energetic charge so you can break the holding pattern that keeps you stuck and re-living the experience over and over again

Tapping into Your Intuitive Intelligence

How to move through the contractive emotional triggers that create the energetic charge so you can break the holding pattern that keeps you stuck and re-living the experience over and over again

Functioning from Overflow and Joy

How to manifest from a place of joy, overflow, remembrance of your unique brand of magic to manifest IN and ON purpose

Modules for this product 4
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